March 23, 2009

Engagement Time

Its getting close to hearing wedding bells for these two!!!
Clint & Amanda
Clint & Amanda
Clint & Amanda

Baby Sarah Enters the World!

Baby Sarah is here!!! She is the cutest little thing!!! There is no question about it this girl is use to the studio lights flashing in her eyes and our voices!! We had so much fun taking pictures of her and her family!
Baby Sara
Baby Sara
Daddy's Little Girl
Baby Sara
Baby Sara!

March 8, 2009

Senior Portrait Time!!!!

Seniors 2009!!! Jenilyn is our first Senior Portrait Model!! It was so easy to take pictures with her natural talent and on top of that we had lots of fun!!!
seniors 09

January 4, 2009

It's A GIRL!!!!

The Dearman's are expecting a baby girl in March!!! We are so excited about the new addition to their family. We can't wait to meet the new angel and of course we are looking forward to some baby pictures!!! Here are a few of our favorites from today!

Her brother was so sweet to let us borrow all his balls...

a special treat for the guys....

The "Official" Mr. and Mrs. Donado

We've been waiting for this moment for what seems like forever.... Our friends are finally married. Now presenting the new Mr. & Mrs. Donado!!!

Smith Wedding # 2

My husband helped out another photographer during a Fall Beach Wedding. The pictures turned out great!! Come to find out the groom was my mom's co-workers son!!! We had no idea until weeks later!!